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Xem Hinh Thanh Vien

Date ngày Ghi Danh |
8/1/2012 9:13:14 AM |
Gender- Giới Tính |
Female (Female
= nu,
Male=nam) |
Marital status |
Single |
Year Năm Sinh |
1982 |
City TP |
North caronina NH |
Country Nước |
US |
Height Cao |
5 Feet 4 Inches (163 cm) |
Weight Nặng |
130 lbs (59 kg) |
Religion Tôn Giáo |
Catholic |
Education Học-Vấn |
I Will Tell you later |
Occupation NN |
parsonal audithor |
Drinking Uống Rượu |
Not Drink |
Smoking Hút
thuốc |
Non-Smoker |
About me Giới
thiệu |
I am very tender person if I am with the right person, to whom I "allow myself" and to open myself completely. I believe life must be lived with passion,and that applies also to love. I want a person whom I love totally, tenderly,without restraints or barriers. |
Looking T́m |
I am looking for long lasting relationship, lovely house and a lovely caring loving wife who will be my best friend, my lover, my companion, with whom I will be able to share all my laughs and sorrows, with whom I can confide in and also she can do the same. I hope you will agree completely that honesty and communication are very important. As for me,I don't want too much I just want for my life, someone with whom I have a close and honest, romantic relationship,always fresh and happy. |
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thành viên mới gởi thư được. Dịch vụ hoàn toàn miễn
phí |
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