Vietnam Single Tim Ban Bon Phuong  


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Date ngày Ghi Danh 1/8/2008 5:42:47 PM 
Gender- Giới Tính Male (Female = nu, Male=nam)
Marital status Single 
Year Năm Sinh 1982 
City TP san jose  
Country Nước US 
Height Cao 5 Feet 8 Inches (173 cm) 
Weight Nặng 170 lbs (78 kg) 
Religion Tôn Giáo Catholic
Education Học-Vấn High School graduate 
Occupation NN nothing 
Drinking Uống Rượu Light Drinker 
Smoking Hút thuốc Non-Smoker 
About me Giới thiệu I can say anything on here and your suppose to believe me?, haha well of course obviously...You don't know me and i don't know you, but i can honestly say that i'm a good person, i might not be the most handsome guy around...not even close heehee, but if looks were judged by the insides, then i guess i could say i'm a pretty decent looking dude. Then again beauty is in the eye of the beholder....something like that haha kinda like how sometimes you meet someone, and your not really attracted right away....but then as you hang around and start to discover that person, he/she becomes more beautiful day by day. Its funny cause i have felt that way before with people from my past ,and i would always imagine back to when we first met and that how i didn't think twice about that person....well anyways i'm writing nonesense, i guess my point of the story is that, you never know until you try right?. I not here to Fu!k around, i'm honest and what you see is what you get. I won't settle so easy either, so please if your a promiscuous girl then don't even contact me...please, i will know eventually. So please don't waste my time and yours, just be real and honest, simple as that. 
Looking T́m A simple girl who isn't so much into money...don't get me wrong, money makes the world go round and all, but the person i'm looking for should be aware of what money can't buy. Yes i know that you can't survive off of love only, but probably won't be as fulfilling. I'm not on here desparately seeking a "girlfriend", i am here for friends, cause isn't that the key ingredient to a good relationship?, and you gotta have that good friendship first before anything else let alone talk about "girlfriend". As i am just a simple guy...i'm not saying how i dress or my lifestyle is simple, but what i mean is that inside i'm simple and pure at heart....kinda like from a long time ago when love was real and not shallow kinda like today. All i need is a nice, caring, faifthfull person..thats it. 

Bạn phải là thành viên mới gởi thư được. Dịch vụ hoàn toàn miễn phí

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