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could you be the one for me ?
profile - trang ca nhan  posts - bai da dang  email -goi thu   Thong bao bai viet spam den webmaster  edit -sua doi, thay doi edit -sua doi, thay doi  post reply - goy y kien
could you be the one for me?
could you be my find?
could it be, after all this time,
fate is going to be kind?

could you be the one for me,
the one to help me forget
the man that broke my heart, my soul
the man that haunts me yet?

you tell me that i'm beautiful
something i've never heard
but the one still lives here in my mind
that couldn't spare a kind word

It's going to be hard to forget
adn pick up the pieces he left
could you be the one to teach
how to love again and forget?

could you be the one to come
and mend my broken heart?
are you willing to piece together
what another broken apart?

It won't be an easy job, you see
my road has been long and rough
and the heart that was once so soft
Is now shut, locked, and tough

but i can feel my heart open again
it's opening for iyou
just come in, and love me back
that's all you have to do

I must as you one small thing
before we kiss and part
please be nicke and kind to me
i'm tired of broken hearts

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  Kí hiệu: : trang cá nhân :chủ để đã đăng  : gởi thư  : thay đổi bài  :ý kiến



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